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You Were Made 
for Connection

Missed Connections

We were made for connection.

But it is easy to lose track of our own experience. When we're feeling disconnected from ourselves we can't help but feel disconnected from others.

We get irritated at home and at work.

We have a hard time giving attention to things that matter to us.

We feel pulled in too many directions.

Stress, disordered relationships, and difficult circumstances can encourage us to feel anxious, frustrated, powerless, or out of control.


When life gets crazy we feel disconnected.

Healthy connection leads to clear direction.

You can't steer a car by letting go of the wheel and you can't steer your life by ignoring your body.

Your body is giving you important feedback about your relationships and the world around you. Somatic coaching can help you give attention to your emotions, experience, and behavior so you can make meaningful and safe choices about the direction you want to take.

As a somatic coach, I'll teach you the skills to use, and create opportunities for you to practice and improve your capacity for healthy connection and choice. That way, you can meet challenges with calmness and clarity and choose actions that fit with your purpose and goals. 

How will you use your capacity for connection?

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Happy Hiking

Somatic Coaching Session

Learn skills to help you stay calm and connected when facing challenges.

In a one-on-one coaching session I will help you identify the ways you use your body to respond to challenges emotionally and behaviorally. As your awareness of your experience grows, I'll help you explore opportunities for different choices in a safe, controlled environment so you can meet life's challenges with effective and meaningful action.

Private sessions are available by appointment at the rate of $115/50 minute session.  

Group Workshops

Your group members will learn skills to help them connect to others with compassion, empathy, and clear purpose.

Your group will practice new skills and receive real-time feedback from one another about the ways we use our bodies and how our actions impact others in overlooked and unexpected ways.

Single and Multi-day workshops can be designed for 

  • counseling professionals

  • support group facilitators

  • pastors and church elders

  • educators

  • students from the high school to graduate school levels

Contact for information on scheduling and pricing.


David van Buskirk
Somatic Coaching

Helping you develop calm, compassionate connection for work, relationships, and life.


Phone: (314) 408-7008

Admissions Office Staff Portraits - 2018

David's warm presence allowed a safe place for me to experience healing from old ways of reacting. He prompted me to move, think, and feel simultaneously, helping me see the connections between the ways I hold myself, speak to myself, and interact with others. 

This kind of work is exactly what I needed to help me connect with and better serve my own needs. As a result, I can show up more fully for others in my life, too. 

Mollie in New York

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